Thursday, April 19, 2012


Cody sends me special texts or emails every once in a while.  I print them out and put them on my wall, so I can always be reminded of how lucky I am.  Here are just some of them:

I’ve Fallen For You
I cannot get you our of my head, nor will I ever want to.
Your touch on my arm, your words reflecting thought, and your smile.
Nayely, I want to be with you. To grow with you. To have fun with you.
Of course, not every step forward will be easy, but all small steps are more than wort the mile.
And after hearing this song again quite recently, it reminded me of my goals:
“Find out who you are and see it. Find out what you are and free it. Find out what you love and need it. Find out what you can’t and beat it.”

It also made me happy to think about a certain possibility; that we can fulfill these goals together.  Te adoro Nahdxyeli Valdez.

Text from Cody
I like that you have a physics mirror.  I like that you’ve read Dinotopia, and I like that you gently touch my hand under the dinner table.
I like your entomology stick-on tattoo, and I like that you paint your nails. I like what you do with your hair, and I like that we fit in one chair.
I like that have an insect collection, and I like your room.  I like your family, I like your voice, and I very much like your smile.
I like that I think all of this at first light this morning, and I especially like that I have so much more to learn about, and with you.  I hope your day is going well so far, Nayely.

10 Reasons Why I love you
1. I love you for your willingness and eagerness to try new things together, like how you want to see more of CA and to cook new things and to read new and exciting books.

2. I love you for how your smile warms me to life.

3. I love you for how expressive you can be, and for how you use your hands when you think and talk and explain things.

4. I love you for how much your family and your close friends mean to you, and for how selfless you often are. You are a warrior for the happiness and well-being of others.

5. I love you so much for how you care about how others are treated, including the plight of animals, the homeless, and the downtrodden. When a possible solution or aid is mentioned, you light up like a Christmas tree, and I can see just how much you would love to help.

6. I love the sight of your beautiful, naked back lying in front of me in the morning, reminding me of just how gorgeous the rest of your body is.

7. I love how you can so excite me intellectually (like when we talk about how our society might work better or when we dip into neuroscience talk or when you explain torque to me or when we ponder over why our bodies do the things they do) as well as physically, which you so easily do in oh so many fantastic ways.

8. I love you when you speak Spanish to me, and how patient you are with me about it. I can still hear your lovely voice saying "tierno" for the first time, and how it made everything inside of me turn to jelly.

9. I love you when you speak English to me, because you're understanding and are willing to wait until I become better at speaking Spanish.

10. I love you so much for how creative you are with your crafts and art.

11. I love you for how you can make my day so easily just by words in your text messages or emails. You can make my heart skip a beat and my knees quake without even being near you and without even hearing your voice (and when I do hear your voice I often melt, another reason why I love you...)

12. (Because there are way more than 10 reasons for my feelings of adoration....) I absolutely love how we fit, in every way. We finish each other's sentences, we have similar thoughts in moments of silence, we fit so nicely in each other's arms, we share many of the same goals, we sleep back-to-back, and we get excited together when we both realize that we're not so weird for liking what we like, because the other person likes it, too.

13. I love you for how you can turn something usually disliked with a passion (shopping) into an adventure where I get kisses and hugs and where I feel happy and loved.

14.  I love you so very much because your idea of "education" isn't simply equated with getting a degree. You seem to want to make learning a life-long experience, whether it be from school or from books or from personal experiences with others or on your own.

15. I love you because, from the first week we were together, I haven't doubted my love for you, and I have no reason to doubt my love for you. I know that this, the very thing I'm feeling now, cannot be surpassed by any other feeling. You fill me with love and joy and confidence and you make me smile and you wish for both of our happiness and the way you hug me is indescribable and the feeling I have when I fall asleep by your side, and your side only, is something that I hope to be able to put to words one day. 

Con amor,

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