Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sunnie & David  in Orange, CA

Still recuperating from that super long week, and I have the bruises and sore muscles to prove it. But it was oh, so much fun. David & Sunnie's wedding was charming, romantic, and wild all rolled into one; in short, it was awesome- not just for being part of their special day, but because I got to see lots of old friends too.  I do wish Cody could one day meet all of them, so they can all see for themselves how nice he is and he can get to know me a little more. 

Ashley & Heather in Tomales State Park

Besides the wedding, I also got to spend some time with even "older" friends, Ashley and Heather, when we went hiking at Tomales Park.   And of course, Super Long Week included lots of bouldering with Cody, both in Berkeley and Castle Rock, along with Mike and Katie. All that physical activity really made it a "wild" week.  

Mike, Katie & Cody @ Castle Rock

Cody helping me @ Castle Rock
Cody on top of rock @ Berkeley, CA

Cody walking Khajit & Nala

Yet, despite all the amazing trips Cody and I have done, it is the simple things that I cherish the most.  For example, walking the cats.  Just calling him to ask if he wanted to help, gave me butterflies in my stomach.  I was afraid he'd say no, which would have been understandable since its such a silly idea, but when he said yes, i felt as if we were going on one of those tentative first few dates.  We are going to to go on a movie date in a few days and I'm giddy with anticipation.  After all this time, he still makes me as nervous as the first time we met.  

However long this lasts, I will enjoy the moment. 

Cody & me @ Berkeley Farmers' Market

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Backyard Fun

Tomorrow marks the start of long weekend for me.  I'll be visiting SoCal for Sunnie & David's wedding, yay! But that also means 4 whole days without Cody.  Woe is me! But alas, we will survive somehow.

Ok, enough with the theatrics. I've been procrastinating on updating because a recent message from a friend got me thinking.  He's going through some relationship troubles and that made me realize that Cody and I still  haven't had a big disagreement. And no, the breakup doesn't count.  I'm talking about an actual hardcore disagreement that challenges our believes in ourselves, each other, and our relationship.  Don't misunderstand me, I'm not looking for one, nor do I ever want to have one.  But aren't those types of things always present in relationships? Even in non-romantic ones.  I suppose couples work through it though. "Relationships need work, not just passion and love." And I think we all know this on some level; I mean, aren't we always hearing it? But we don't really know this in practice; not until we're challenged into practicing it.  Many times, our values aren't defined until they're tested, like in a relationship.  So perhaps, another thing that relationships require is for each person to know themselves.  Cody and I haven't yet clashed on core values and this is quite scary to me because I would not want to break up with him just because we couldn't find a way around it.  I'd like to think that our open mindedness and willingness to compromise would carry us through, but until the real moment when we disagree comes up, I won't know.

So yes, I am scared, but like I said before, never again will I let my fear get in the way of my relationship with Cody.  I love you, Cody, so very very much.
That and the fun we can have just hanging out in the backyard makes me feel at home whenever I'm with him.  So now, on to the title of this post: Last week, Cody and I had a very simple day. We started off the morning by going to the farmer's market in downtown Sac and look at all the things we bought!
This is perfect for a still life painting, don't you think?  Hahaha, I wish I could draw.   Anyway, later in the day, we baked some bread- FROM SCRATCH. 

Some cups of white flour (so that the loaf doesn't come out heavy like a brick), Some more cups whole wheat flour, Maple Syrup, Yeast, ummm.....I forgot the rest.  As you can see, Cody is the cook in this relationship.  But I do remember that we mixed in Poppy Seed, Flax Seed, and Pumpkin Seed, both in the dough and also sprinkled some, along with oats, on top.

And here is the final product, Ta-Da!  And we plan on making many more in the future.  I love how he wants to be more self-reliant.  He enables me to become my ideal image of my own self.
And while we were waiting for the bread to cook, we watered the garden and played fetch with Dallas.  Doesn't she look like the happiest dog?  We also played tag in his backyard.  Yes, tag. Albeit, it was kiss tag- but still, quite childlike and of course, fun.

Cody lets me indulge in most of my silly whims; just a few days ago, I had an ice cream social.  Only my brother and Cody came, but it was still very fun!  And best of all, they let me pin silly paper candy on them. I love my brother, and I love Cody, and I love my family, and I love my cats :)

Yellow Candy!

Peppermint Bowtie with wannabe chocolate ice cream!

Meat for the carnivore!
Veggie Tostada!