Cody and I cleaned up a lot of trash along one block and along the river walk. We wished we could have done more, but there is A LOT of trash everywhere! I wish people wouldn't litter, especially smokers; they just throw their cigarette butts on the floor like it doesn't matter. But it does matter! Especially so close to the river! The toxins left over in the cigarettes get into the water and animals.
Of great concern when cleaning up is the plastic that holds together six packs. These end up in the water and eventually into the ocean, where sea turtles and other animals get caught in them. It is extremely important to break these up before throwing them away. Another thing you can try is reduce your consumption of plastic in general and reuse any plastic you already have. I know, easier said than done. But every little bit helps, right? I've gotta believe it. So Cody and I will try to do these once a month, and hopefully, more people will join us so that we can clean up more than just one block. Any of you interested?

A few weeks later, Cody and I tabled for Save The Frogs! with Mike and Adrienne at the Sacramento Reptile Show. There were so many tiny amphibians ( and some not so tiny), along with a bunch of reptiles and arachnids for sale. Our table however, wasn't selling anything live. We were trying to promote awareness for the drastic decline in population of amphibians and convince people that if they did want to buy animals, to make sure they were not wild caught. We also tried to get people to sign a petition to prohibit the importation of bull frogs into CA because these frogs are not native and tend to outcompete other native species. Any money we made from the selling of t-shirts and other STF paraphernalia went straight to fund the non-profit org. It was a long day of talking to adults and kids and seeing really cool animals!
Later that evening, we all went to Adrienne's & Chase's house for some tofurkey hotdogs and soyrizo. We spent the rest of the evening playing a fun game of animals and math- I forgot what it was called, but it's not as lame as it sounds. It's was fun hanging out with them for a day, plus, it was for a good cause :)
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