WOW! This movie is AWESOME! Cody LOVES Batman & Christian Bale, so he was quite excited to see it. I like Batman too, but I wasn't too excited about the movie, (I'm not big on action). But the trailer made it seem pretty cool, so I wanted to see it, I just wasn't peeing my pants for it. But OMG!!!! You have to watch this even if you didn't think it'd be that great; it'll blow your mind once you see it!. The last 10 minutes especially, had me gripping Cody's hand really hard. And when the movie ended, I wanted to jump up and down and hoot and holler. Even hours after we came out of the theater, while sipping our Jamba Juice in McKinley Park, our minds were still on fire from this movie. So exciting! So good! The rest of the day was spent chilling in the garden at home, talking about the movie.
We also talked, like everyone else in the country, about the Colorado shooting. I feel sad for the victims and also mad that someone could turn what is suppose to be an entertaining break from life into a real life massacre. I mean, there were kids there too! Arrgh, it makes me mad....
We saw this a few days ago, and let me tell you, it was intense! Our first French film! Though we were on a movie date, it wasn't quite so cheerful because this movie is an emotional downer. Don't get me wrong, it's really good; it does a good job of portraying the emotional turmoil that the Child Protection Unit in the French Police go through in trying to punish those who take advantage of children. Atop of the personal problems these officers go through, there is also the sickening acts that adults do to children. Yet despite all the gut wrenching, I believe one of the points of the story is that they do punish the offender and doing so, they offer hope, not just for children, but hope for humanity as well. But the film's last scene does a good job in emphasizing that pain and hope are present at the same time in life.
Hmm...this post has turned a bit philosophical, sorry. I'm kinda scared to make this post public, but why should I be ashamed of what I think? If anything it's an invitation for conversation and growth.
Our next movie date is El Orfanato. I've seen it many times, but it will be Cody's first time. And he will get to practice his Spanish! I promise my next post will be cheerier.
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