To celebrate, we explored Apple Hill, which is a nice collection of apple farms located in Placer County. We visited several farms, including some pick-your-own-apples farms and tasted many apple treats. One farm even had a petting zoo! There was light snow on the ground all around and Cody put some down my shirt! He was just being a playful bear, but that was COLD! We got a bunch of apples and I tasted Arkansas Black apples for the first time. I liked them way better than Fuji or Golden Delicious! I think they are my new favorite apples.
Muir Woods & Muir
It was a surprise trip. Cody took me to Muir Woods and hiked around in it. Trees so big! And it was chilly too. It's funny that I've lived so closed to it, and never even knew it was there. Cody always has a way of showing me more of this world. And I know it sounds cheesy, but it truly is a magical world when I'm exploring it with him. <3
It was a surprise trip. Cody took me to Muir Woods and hiked around in it. Trees so big! And it was chilly too. It's funny that I've lived so closed to it, and never even knew it was there. Cody always has a way of showing me more of this world. And I know it sounds cheesy, but it truly is a magical world when I'm exploring it with him. <3

It's really hard to write about all of this because it
was so long ago! And yes, I can list off and write about where we went
and what we did. But I think you can tell something is missing, right?
Yeah, it's hard to remember the wonder and all the feelings I had during
all these trips and activities. But there are some things that I don't
forget, and that is how happy I was and how loved I felt when I was
there with Cody. And you know what, it is still so very true. I love you Cody!
Fracking Protest
All of this was so long ago, that it sometimes I can't believe that just a year ago I was prepping to return to Berkeley to finish my undergrad degree and now, I'm almost done! So scary! But you know what else was scary? Going to a protest. A Fracking Protest. At the same time,it was exciting to stand up for what you believe in and stand your ground. Which when you think about it, that mentally can also be applied to not giving up on school. I am increadiably lucky to have a loving and supporting family and that includes Cody too! I forgot, I even got to be on the news :P
All of this was so long ago, that it sometimes I can't believe that just a year ago I was prepping to return to Berkeley to finish my undergrad degree and now, I'm almost done! So scary! But you know what else was scary? Going to a protest. A Fracking Protest. At the same time,it was exciting to stand up for what you believe in and stand your ground. Which when you think about it, that mentally can also be applied to not giving up on school. I am increadiably lucky to have a loving and supporting family and that includes Cody too! I forgot, I even got to be on the news :P
San Diego Trip
Talk about the mother of all trips! If I had been on top of updating this blog, aside from this being its own post, it would have probably been a two-parter. Cody and I went down to San Diego to visit his grandma and my aunt for a week. Then we took our time driving up the coast back home. Needless to say, this is the trip that firmented my love for California. It was so much fun to be in the car with Cody and I never get tired of talking with him. But being able to visit San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Monterrey, uhh.....I forgot so many cities. Sorry. I'm probably also forgeting so many other trips we took over the course of this year, but I can only work with what I remember, right? Hence, this blog. From museum trip at the Getty in LA, making dinner for family, watching elephant seals, tide pooling in Point Cabrillo, watching Monarchs in Pacific Grove, kissing at Lover's Point in Monterrey, to swinging in Santa Barbara and even seeing the biggest fig tree ever! this trip was a whirlwind. And this little update does not do it justice. All I know, is that Cody and I grew closer during this trip while fostering a greater appreciation for our state and I want to do it again someday!
Berkeley Visits
In addition to these laid back visits, we also revisited Monterrey one summer day to spend the day at Monterrey Bay
Aquarium and man, what a wonderful place it is! It was magical! Marine
biology is just fascinating and fish can be so beautiful. It was it's own magical world, but what I remember the most was that amidst all the excitement and fascination, there was a certain serenity that came over me when seeing the fish swim. It was a much needed peacefulness during that hectic time.
Cody’s Graduation
& Stinson Beach
The beginning of that Summer also marked a very special occasion for Cody: GRADUATION!!! He had a nice family bbq where I was finally able to meet most of his extended family.
Afterwards, Cody and I had our own way of celebrating his achievement; we spent the day playing on Stinson beach! We even took Nala with us!
Poor Nala, he was meowing a lot. He was a scared little kitty at first. But he eventually got used to it.

We had a really nice day and later on, a family of climbers joined us at our spot. They had a little girl with them who instantly wanted to play with Nala. This day marked the beginning of Cody's fun summer and it served as a good buffer between Sping semester and summer school for me.
I love my wonderful bear! |
Afterwards, Cody and I had our own way of celebrating his achievement; we spent the day playing on Stinson beach! We even took Nala with us!
Being Silly for me. |
Being silly for Cody. |
We had a really nice day and later on, a family of climbers joined us at our spot. They had a little girl with them who instantly wanted to play with Nala. This day marked the beginning of Cody's fun summer and it served as a good buffer between Sping semester and summer school for me.
Donner Lake
At long last summer school ended and I was able to return home for the Fall. I technically still had one more class to take, but at that point, I decided I'd rather commute from Sacramento to San Francisco for it. The obvious positive side of that was that I was able to spend more time with my family and Cody- and go on more trips! One of these, was a day trip up to Donner Lake for some fun bouldering and swimming.
It was during the time that a big part of the Yosemite was on fire and I remember being able to smell the smoke all the way on our way up to Donner. The sky looked pretty hazy too. I was sad because Yosemite is a very special place to me. However, once we got up to Donner, things were looking much better and I was able to focus on having a good time.
From bouldering to scrambling on rocks, and even swimming, we had a very playful day together with lots of kisses and hugs. I felt carefree and so happy to be spending the day with Cody in such a beautiful place.

By the end of the day, we were a bit sunburned, but that didn't stop us from finding a nice bear den for my napping sensibilities. And apparently, I took quite a few naps that day.
It was during the time that a big part of the Yosemite was on fire and I remember being able to smell the smoke all the way on our way up to Donner. The sky looked pretty hazy too. I was sad because Yosemite is a very special place to me. However, once we got up to Donner, things were looking much better and I was able to focus on having a good time.
By the end of the day, we were a bit sunburned, but that didn't stop us from finding a nice bear den for my napping sensibilities. And apparently, I took quite a few naps that day.
Still updating this post and memories are beginning to blur.....Life happens and doesn't wait for blog updates. So here's a summary of our trip to the redwoods in Arcata.
We had heard of the mystical Fern Canyon and imagined ourselves surrounded by majestic ferns and playful fairies. So we decided to take a trip up north in October. Fern Valley really was magical, though we weren't greeted by any fairies.
The coast itself was magical too. True, not sunny nor warm like most beaches are, but I loved the enveloping mist. I think I prefer this kind of environment; I wouldn't mind living here for a few years.
On our way to Fern Canyon, we stopped by an old school house with elk munching in the grass! These bigger than I thought. They were all over the place, not just at the school house. In fact, on our way out of the canyon, there was one who showed us her butt.
ended up going to a lot for our snacks, breakfast and dinners. On one those nights we bout a grilled tofu which turned out to be too spicy! Good thing we also bought some dark chocolate with cacao nibs. Cody loved those nibs! He still dreams of them every now and then.
And on our way back home, we stopped to walk around in a redwood grove. We bumped into a beaver real-estate agent who showed us a nice hollowed out tree house for sale. For only 10 nuts, we could have a tree with a nice welcoming porch, 1 bedroom, spacious kitchen and hearth with trash chute and backdoor into a spacious patio. Alas, this was all in my head. I did see a cute bear though.
And one of the funniest moments happened while in this redwood grove. As you can see from this picture, I fell right when I was trying to use the timer on the camera. The beeps came faster and faster, so I ran to the spot, only to fall backwards and get this perfectly timed shot.
I loved this trip, I love the redwoods, and I love my Cody.
2 Year Anniversary Weekend Celebration
And now, what you've all been waiting for! Unfortunately, I have no pictures of our 2 year anniversary. But that doesn't mean it wasn't special. However, even these memories are foggy because this 1 year summary has taken me 9 months to update! Let's not do that again.
Anyway, for our anniversary, we went to San Francisco! Yay?? Well, by now, I was in my second to last month of my final class. I had been traveling to and from San Francisco once a week for this just one class that I needed in order to graduate. So at first a trip to SF wasn't a big deal. But with Cody everything is fun and so was this trip because once in SF, we spent a few hours bouldering at Dogpatch. You might say, "that's not very romantic," but I say, "it was fun!" Later that day, we spent the afternoon frolicking in Golden Gate Park! I thought I had seen it all, but I was mistaken! Cody, as usual, opens up the world to me. He showed me a lot more of the park than I had even known was there!
We pretended to feed the ducks, hiked a little hill where there were some ruins of an old building- too bad I forgot the name- walked through a garden (well, the whole park is a garden), and